• info@tibyancenter.org
  • Opening hours : Mon - Sun: 11AM – 8:00PM
  • Rajab 25, 1443
  • AR
  • info@tibyancenter.org
  • (612) 234-0695



  • Hingaad Program: Students in this program will learn the essential skills of the Arabic language such as reading and writing. Students will also be introduced to basic tajweed rules. 
  • Intermediate Hifdh: Students in this program will focus on their first completion of the Quran along with taking
    introductory Islamic studies courses. These students will be expected to memorize at least 3-4 pages a week.
  • Advanced hifdh: Students in this program are expected to follow a rigorous schedule of memorizing 5+ pages a
    week, taking Islamic Studies courses, and studying quranic poems such as Tuhfatul Atfal and Al-Jazariyyah.



  • Mutoon: Shatibiyyah, Durrah, Tayyibah, etc.
  • Principles of Qira’at Course
  • 10 Qira'at: Kubra or Sughra

Ijaza Certification

  • This program will be open to guest students who would like to obtain certification in the Quranic Sciences from renowned scholars.

Ijaza Certification
Islamic Studies

Islamic Studies

Subjects such as Tafseer, Hadith, Figh, and more

  • Machad Program
  • University Level Courses
  • Seminars led by esteemed scholars

Professional Development

Many of the staff at Tibyan Center hold professional degrees in the fields of engineering, pharmacy, computer science, health sciences, and more. Tibyan Center will support the needs of their students in both their secular and Islamic Education.

Professional Development
Youth Outreach Program

Youth Outreach Program

Opportunity for youth from the community to attend and benefit from monthly lectures, participate in sports events,
and engage with their peers in an Islamic environment Most, if not all of the incoming teachers of Tibyan Center
are college students, graduates with their Bachelor's, or current grad students.