• info@tibyancenter.org
  • Opening hours : Mon - Sun: 11AM – 8:00PM
  • Rajab 25, 1443
  • AR
  • info@tibyancenter.org
  • (612) 234-0695


Our Students


Multiple students at Tibyan Center have accomplished great successes, including not just participating and placing top positions in local competitions, but also going to different countries and competing globally. Some of the countries in which Tibyan students participated in Quran competitions include; Saudi Arabia, Dubai, Sudan, Kuwait, and Russia. It takes continuous effort and dedication to memorize Allah's words, and our students have come a long way and wish to inspire others to do the same. Inshallah, most, if not all, of these students, including Ahmed Burhan, Abdullahi Bashir, Nura Ahmed, and Ruweyda Mohamed, will become teachers at Tibyan when we obtain a new facility shortly.


1st Position

in 2011

in the Dubai International Quran Competition


2nd Position

in 2014

in the Dubai International Quran Competition