• info@tibyancenter.org
  • Opening hours : Mon - Sun: 11AM – 8:00PM
  • Rajab 25, 1443
  • AR
  • info@tibyancenter.org
  • (612) 234-0695

Tibyan 2nd Qiraat Graduation

Tibyan 2nd Qiraat Graduation

Tibyan 2nd Qiraat Graduation

  • Apr 23, 2024
  • Tuesday, 06:00 PM

We invite you all to join us as we celebrate an amazing milestone for our center! Nine students have completed the 10 Qira’at as part of our ijaza program and will receive their ijaza and certification from our esteemed scholars Sh. Waleed Al-Maneese and Sh. Ahmed Isse. This is our second batch of graduates, as we also had a graduation last year for seven students.


We will also have guest scholars Sh. Hassan Saleh and Sh. Mohamed Abbas in attendance! We hope to see you all there to support our graduates inshaAllah.

Tags: #quran #tibyan #usa


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