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Sabirin Hassan Won A Car

Sabirin Hassan Won A Car

Sabirin Hassan Won A Car

  • Aug 26, 2021
  • Thursday, 02:00 PM
Sabirin Hassan Won A Car

On behalf of Tibyan Center, we’d like to congratulate one of our finest students, Sabirin Hassan, on her big win at the Imam Alshaatibi Quran Competition. Not only did Sabirin win cash but also a trip to Umrah with her teacher and parents and a brand new 2021 Toyota Highlander.

May Allah bless Sabirin and her parents and bless them with many more achievements. May Allah also accept the efforts of Sabirin’s teachers Sheikh Abdinasir Farah and Macalin Abdullahi Sheikh, and their student Macalin Mohamed Kheyre. After Allah, the Almighty, if it wasn’t for these three great men, Sabirin would not be at the level she is at today. May Allah make Sabirin amongst the scholars of this Ummah that the youth look up to and learn from


Tags: Lucky draw


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