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  • Rajab 25, 1443
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2 Wins This Time, All Praise is to Allah

2 Wins This Time, All Praise is to Allah

2 Wins This Time, All Praise is to Allah

  • Nov 25, 2023
  • Saturday, 10:00 AM
All Praise is to Allah

2 Wins This Time, All Praise is to Allah ‼ Tibyan Center is happy and proud to announce two of its students, Mohamedamin Hassan and Rahma Qassim Mohamed, participated in the Port Said International Qur’an Competition.

Mohamedamin won 1st place in the Men’s Category of the Whole Qur’an, with the Riwayahs of Shucbah and Hafs ‘an Asim and Rahma won 2nd place in the Women’s Category of the Whole Qur’an in the Riwayah of Hafs ‘an Asim!

Despite their young age, they have accomplished much throughout the years

May Allah protect them and their parents and their teachers, Sheikh Abdinasir Farah, President of Tibyan Center, as well as Sheikh Dr. Waleed Al-Meneesee who they have been reading the 10 Qira’at upon

Allahuma Ameen 



Tags: Allah Wins


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